Marketing Strategies Need to Include Interactive Content

Posted: April 11, 2017
Content clutter is real, and it's here to stay. Shorter attention spans, the number of content avenues users have and the fact that everyone shares all that content are contributing factors to your content getting lost in the shuffle or ignored. Having interactive content is a great way to keep viewer's attention and make sure they're getting your message. These are seven reasons why you should consider interactive content marketing. Yvonne Lyons, writer for Social Media Today, shares why interactive content is needed.

7 Reasons to Consider Interactive Content in Your Marketing Strategy

Sad news, marketers: The content clutter has just begun. Consider that in every minute of 2016, the following happened:
  • Snapchat users watched 6,944,444 videos
  • BuzzFeed users viewed 159,380 pieces of content
  • Tinder users swiped 972,222 times
And that doesn’t even begin to speak to the volume of content shared daily, estimated to be upwards of 30 million pieces - numbers that will only continue to grow, considering we'll create more content in 2017 over previous years. Couple that with a decreasing attention span (the average reader spends only 37 seconds reading an article or blog post) and you, my marketing friends, are dealing with a cluttered landscape, and customers and prospects whose first instinct is to tune you and your content out. There’s no magic bullet for this dilemma. However, there is something you can do to get an advantage over some of your less innovative, slower-moving competitors: Make your content interactive. 91% of buyers say they prefer on-demand interactive and visual content - but why? What real competitive advantages does interactive content provide versus all your good old-fashioned static content? Here are some reasons to consider complementing your static content with interactive, and how it can give you a competitive advantage over those who are just now noticing that interactive is actually here, and isn’t going anywhere. Read the entire article 7 Reasons to Consider Interactive Content in Your Marketing Strategy on Social Media Today.  