Market Toward the Younger Generation

Posted: August 18, 2015
The majority of Internet users are Millennials. They're used to discovering the newest trends and getting the latest content in a matter of seconds. Market to them correctly, and tap into the power Gen Y-ers have to share what they like. Meaghan Moraes, writer for Hubspot, shares how to market toward Millennials.

8 Modern Tips for Marketing to Millennials

There are currently 80 million Millennials in the U.S. – nearly one-fourth of the total population. And, with an annual buying power of $200 billion, they are the most lucrative market. Plain and simple: Nearly every marketer today is making Generation Y a priority – or at least working to understand what drives and delights this instrumental group. One key element that justifies Millennial domination of the marketplace is the fact this new marketing style – which we’ll delve into in just a minute – isn’t just a fad. Here, we’ll discuss 8 important tactics for marketing to the demographic of the hour and explain why these tactics are lasting ones. 1) Authentic Content Empowers Them According to AdAge, Millennials are spending an average of 25 hours per week online – and they’re craving content-driven media. They’re scouring websites, blogs, and social media because they feel empowered by all of the remarkable content they’re discovering. Read the entire article 8 Modern Tips for Marketing to Millennials on Hubspot.