Manage Time on Social Media More Efficiently
Posted: August 07, 2018
Social media is a must for any business to engage with its customers. However, it can take up a huge chunk of time, especially if you're a one man social media marketing team. Some may argue that automation can take out the personalized aspect of engaging with customers, but in reality it could free more time up for personal interaction. These are five of the best social media automation tools that can help you manage time more effectively.
Aashish Sarma, writer for Social Media Today, shares five social media automation tools.
Automation remains a controversial topic among some social media managers. To some, automation is seen as inauthentic - you can't build real engagement without actually engaging, and responding to your audience. But others find that a level of automation, combined with personal interaction, can save a heap of time and efforts, making it easier to post at the right times, maintain account activity and provide responses faster and more effectively.
Used well, social media automation tools can be just as effective as the content that you schedule using them. If you create genuine, engaging content, you'll be able to maximize its performance through strategic use of automation tools.
Here are five social media automation options that can help you manage your time more efficiently.
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5 Social Media Automation Tools to Help You Manage Your Time More Efficiently on
Social Media Today.