Tips for bloggers pay dividends for anyone in the creative professions.
Tips for bloggers pay dividends for anyone in the creative professions.
by Edward Khoo
Oh sure, you think you nailed that site architecture and that home page reads like pure poetry, right? After all, you wrote it. But that’s the problem. You wrote it. You designed the graphics. You created the keyword list based on those finely-honed intuitive instincts so it must be perfect. It’s your baby.
Fact: you aren’t always right.
Fact: some of your ideas just aren’t practical.
Fact: a second, third and even a fourth opinion improves even the best-thought-out plan – if you’re willing to listen and learn.
Read the full text of these 10 terrific tips for growing by managing criticism.
1. Just because you fall short doesn’t mean you failed.
2. Open mind, closed mouth.
3. Become a stakeholder but don’t drive your stake through the heart.
4. Consider the source.
5. Learn from anyone and everyone.
6. How’s your self-image doing?
7. Not all criticism is constructive.
8. Learn to let go.
9. Recognize your own limitations.
10. A closed mind never welcomes criticism.
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