Make Your Video Content Stand Out

Posted: February 16, 2015
Professional digital video cameraWith the popularity of digital marketing increasing, producing video content has become more common than ever. There are millions of videos on the Internet already, and more being added daily. Effectively create and post video content that stands out from the crowd and gets noticed.
Mark Zeni, editor for Daily Blog Tips, shares how to create videos that will stand out from others.

3 Examples of How you Can Use Video to Standout (And How To Shoot Yours)

If you are only focusing on the written aspect of your website, well, you might be missing on a big opportunity. Why? Because you are neglecting video, and video is huge online. Just to give you an idea, the New York Times has around 30 million unique visitors monthly, and YouTube has 1 billion monthly unique visitors. Identify how to leverage and integrate video content for a website is not always easy, though. Below you’ll find 3 examples that might give you some inspiration. 1. Driving with John Chow You probably heard about John Chow, right? He blogs about making money online, and is pretty good at it! Around one year ago or so John started a video series called “Driving with John Chow.” He basically records himself driving his Mercedez around (which doesn’t hurt his brand!) and talking about Internet marketing. Not coincidentaly those videos are quite popular, and it helped him to differentiate himself from other blogs in the niche. Read the entire article 3 Examples of How you Can Use Video to Standout (And How To Shoot Yours) on Daily Blog Tips.