Make Your Resume Rock

Posted: September 25, 2013

[caption id="attachment_11572" align="alignright" width="423"]© emiliezhang - Fotolia.com[/caption]You know that you're fantastic - now you need to convince employers that you are, without sounding arrogant. Whether you're just starting out, or a seasoned resume veteran, make sure your resume brings your strengths and talents to light.

[caption id="attachment_11572" align="alignright" width="423"]© emiliezhang - Fotolia.com[/caption]You know that you're fantastic - now you need to convince employers that you are, without sounding arrogant. Whether you're just starting out, or a seasoned resume veteran, make sure your resume brings your strengths and talents to light.

Sophie Lizard, an expert freelance blogger, explains how you can produce an awesome resume.

Killer Resume, Killer Job Search

It's great if you know what you're worth and that you deserve a fantastic job. But does your resume reflect that, or do you simply come across as arrogant or having an inflated ego?

Whether you’re looking to change location, change your niche, or move up the career ladder, you need a resume that brings all your best points to the fore while downplaying any gaps or weaknesses. It’s not as hard as it sounds.

Creating an Impact with Your Resume
You already have all the information; all you need to do is present it. Here are a few things to make unmistakably clear in your resume:

Your objectives. This is the uppermost section of the modern resume, and conveys your guiding philosophy of, and commitment to, your career. What do you want? Make it clear.

Read the full article Killer Resume, Killer Job Search on Talentzoo.