Make Sure Your Press Release Gets Seen

Posted: February 24, 2015
Ignored 3d Barricade Barrier Road Sign Avoiding Shunned NeglectePress releases are a great way to distribute company or product news. However, it's only effective if every person that receives the release reads it. Lessen the chance of someone ignoring a press release with these great tips.
Michelle Garrett, PR consultant and writer at Garrett Public Relations, shares how to ensure that your press release isn't ignored.

11 ways to keep your press releases from being ignored

PR pros are well aware that reporters, our target audience, sometimes don't read the press releases that arrive in their inboxes. On the other hand, every day some press releases are read and used for news stories. What can you do to increase the likelihood that your release will grab a reporter's attention? In brief, don’t give the reporter reasons not to read it. Here are 11 things to double-check before sending your next release to a reporter: 1. Spelling matters. You’d be surprised at the number of releases that end up in the garbage because the reporter saw a typo and simply tuned out. Proofing involves more than just running the spellchecker (it doesn’t catch everything). You should read and reread your release or pitch, and even ask a co-worker to read it if possible. Read the entire article 11 Ways to Keep Your Press Releases From Being Ignored on PR Daily.