Make Sure Your Homepage Gets its Job Done
Posted: April 20, 2015
The first thing people see when they visit a website is its homepage. The homepage welcomes visitors to your website so the better it looks, the better first impression it makes. Make your homepage look amazing to attract new visitors, and keep them coming back.
Neil Adams, guest writer for Daily Blog Tips, shares how to make your homepage stand out to potential visitors.
Does Your Homepage Do Its Job?
Homepage to your website is like the window of your shop. It needs to be well designed and offer good quality information, because only that way you will be able to turn thousands of window shoppers into regular visitors or even customers, and to decrease the bounce rate of your website or blog. For the homepage to be good it should have these characteristics:
Short and Effective Presentation of the Author or the Company
To be honest, most of the bloggers that read these articles are not Paulo Coello, and the small business owners don’t have products like Coca Cola or Nike Air Max in their range. A homepage should clearly describe the website or blog and give relevant information to the reader on what kind of content could be found on the website in question.
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Does Your Homepage Do Its Job? on
Daily Blog Tips.