Make New Contacts - Get More Bang for Your POMA Buck

Posted: January 01, 1970

Requests for names of PR people, content providers and others come into the POMA office daily. More often than not, we're able to find referrals for these request within POMA's membership directory. This begs the question, are you tapping into and taking benefit of one of POMA's most valuable member benefits - the membership directory? Building contacts means growing business.

Requests for names of PR people, content providers and others come into the POMA office daily. More often than not, we're able to find referrals for these request within POMA's membership directory. This begs the question, are you tapping into and taking benefit of one of POMA's most valuable member benefits - the membership directory? Building contacts means growing business. Here are some ways to use the directory to increase your business and bottom line:

Reach Out to Folks You Don't Know

Reconnect With People

Find Members by Specialty

Grow Your Contact Database