Links Shared on Facebook Lead to Higher Search Rankings

Posted: April 21, 2011

Data from the folks at SEOMoz suggests that links shared on Facebook have high impact on SERP rankings while numbers of tweets on Twitter, Facebook Likes, and Facebook comments don’t hold as much weight. Check out this post from the hubspot blog for full details.

Yesterday, the folks at SEOMoz released a study that shows a correlation between the amount of action your website gets on Facebook (shares), Twitter (tweets), and Google Buzz (shares) and how websites in the top 30 search results rank on Google’s SERP (search engine results page). There has been plenty of debate about how influential traffic and links from social networks are in Google’s algorithm. No matter what your thoughts are on the matter, the data is hard to ignore.

SEOMoz’s findings are based on correlations and are not necessarily causal. However, if there is a causal relationship then it suggests that links shared on Facebook have high impact on SERP rankings while numbers of tweets on Twitter, Facebook Likes, and Facebook comments don’t hold as much weight.

(Graph from SEOMoz's study on Facebook + Twitter's Influence on Google's Search Rankings)



Is this true? No one knows. However, it makes complete sense that Google would put shared links ahead of any other social networking factors used in their algorithm. After all, when it comes to ranking on the search engines we know that Google, and all other engines for that matter, give more authority to websites with more inbound links.

Marketing Takeaway

Simply put, if you can increase your reach on Facebook via spreading links to your content, not only will you drive more website traffic, but every time a link to your website is shared it will increase the chances of your content ranking higher on Google for relevant search queries.

Now, I don’t recommend obsessing about increasing Facebook shares for every piece of content you generate, but there are certainly some steps you can take to increase the likelihood of your content being shared across all major social networks.

For a few steps you can take to easily increase your reach, spread your content across social media, and gain more authority on Google, please read the Full Article at Hubspot Blog.

Biz Tip Source: Hubspot Blog

Author: Andrew Fortin