Linking Away From Your Blog Can be a Good Thing

Posted: September 20, 2013

[caption id="attachment_11564" align="alignright" width="370"]© alswart - Fotolia.com[/caption]Link building is critical to SEO results for your blog. While most tips for successful SEO linking tell you to concentrate on getting links back to your blog, you also need to consider linking away from it. Your content draws your reader in, but to provide them the most valuable experience, you also need links to useful external resources.

[caption id="attachment_11564" align="alignright" width="370"]© alswart - Fotolia.com[/caption]Link building is critical to SEO results for your blog. While most tips for successful SEO linking tell you to concentrate on getting links back to your blog, you also need to consider linking away from it. Your content draws your reader in, but to provide them the most valuable experience, you also need links to useful external resources.

Adam Grunwerg explains why you should post outside links on your blog.

6 Reasons to Link Away from your Blog

The world of SEO and blogging is kind of limited in that most people will tell you the same things: “build high quality content and do personal outreach in order to receive natural authority backlinks”.

For example, this awesome resource from PointBlankSEO.com is genuinely one of the best articles and tools I’ve ever read for link building strategies in 2013.  It offers hundreds of tips for building white hat links such as PR, competitions, tools, interviews and tests.
However, I still feel this misses the point.

It focuses entirely on link building tactics, rather than how you can increase the perceived value of your content to users – namely by linking away from your blog.

Why? Well here are 6 great reasons to link out.

Read the full article 6 Reasons to Link Away From Your Blog on ProBlogger.