Link Warfare: A High-Level View of Running a Linking Campaign

Posted: May 25, 2010

If you want to get an idea of why certain competing Web sites rank higher than yours for certain keywords, do this.

If you want to get an idea of why certain competing Web sites rank higher than yours for certain keywords, do this.

Go to http://search.yahoo.com and type the following into the search box: “link:” plus your competitors’ domain name (without the quotes). Then do the same for your own domain name. Change the textbox labeled “Show Inlinks” to “Except from this domain.” You will only be analyzing external, third-party links. Chances are good you will find your competitors’ Web site has a lot more links than you.

If this is not the case, other logical explanations can be made. This will require further examination. Perhaps the competing site contains your core keyword in its domain name. Maybe the domain name is considerably older. Maybe it is just better optimized. Run the competing Web page and your own Web page through a keyword density analyzer. Although keyword density is not as important as it once was, doing this will still give you an idea if your competitor is making more aggressive use of the keyword on his or her site.

Let’s step back and say your competitor does, in fact, have considerably more inbound links than you do. Now you know what you’ve got to do. You’ve got to declare link warfare. You’ve got to beat your competition at his or her own game. What you need is a strategy for generating links from many different locations that contain your target keywords in the link text. Here is how to make this happen:

Several areas exist to pursue links, and you should use as many as possible. The first thing you should look at is your competition’s links. Who is linking to them that might also link to you? Using the aforementioned Yahoo! search will show you 1,000 such links, but there may be many more than that. Commercial SEO software packages like WebCEO have built-in tools to generate more extensive lists. Other free tools to try include Majesticseo.com. If you see links listed that reside on resource or links pages, those are like low-hanging fruit, so you should definitely pursue links there.

Read the rest of the article: Link Warfare: A High-Level View of Running a Linking Campaign

Biz Tip Website: www.talentzoo.com


Jerry Work is president of Work Media LLC, a Nashville SEO firm that specializes in orchestrating Internet marketing campaigns that blend organic search, paid search and social media. He is also the author of "Be the Magnet," a new book on using social media and content distribution to promote websites. For more info, check out http://bethemag.net.