Link Tracking Made Easy

Posted: August 16, 2016
[caption id="attachment_12801" align="alignright" width="278"]dbt_ss4 Image from dailyblogtips.com[/caption] Generating links for social media that go back to content is one of the key parts of marketing. However, unless you can track which platform produces the most clicks, you're missing out on some vital information. Start tracking how many clicks your links get, with this easy tool. Mark Zeni, writer for Daily Blog Tips, shares how to track links.

Start Tracking Who is Clicking Your Links

You can’t improve what you can’t measure! This above saying is true for most things in life, and building and promoting a blog or website is no exception. Not clear yet? Let me give you an example. Support you want to promote your website on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. You are going to write a small piece on each of those platforms and link to your latest post. How do you know which of the 3 platforms is going to have the best performance, so that you may focus on it in the future? If you don’t do anything, you won’t know! If you track the clicks on those links, on the other hand, you will know exactly how many visitors each platform is sending your way. Read the entire article Start Tracking Who is Clicking Your Links on Daily Blog Tips.