Learn to Manage Edits as a Freelance Writer
Posted: December 19, 2017
Edits are a normal part of freelance writing and often elicit very negative feelings. From having to face that your article wasn't as perfect as you thought to trying to fit them into your day, edits can be frustrating. There can be positives to edits, as long as you learn to look for them.
Maddy Osman, writer for The Write Life, shares how to handle edits.
I don’t know about you, but getting a request for edits puts somewhat of a damper on my day.
First, there’s dealing with the rejection that my article wasn’t as perfect as I thought. Then, there’s dealing with another personality who thinks they know better than me. Finally, there’s the time and energy I have to cut out of my day to deal with the changes that need to be made in order for my article to be considered ready for publication.
Of course, these reactions all glaze over the
positive aspects of editing.
Like the fact that the editor probably knows
a lot better than me what the publication’s audience likes, and the fact that they also have industry expertise to contribute on top of mine. Or, there’s the fact that having another set of skilled eyes on my content can take it from OK to truly awesome.
Here’s the bottom line: Edits make content better.
Great content with your name behind it is one of the best inbound marketing tactics that a writer can employ. If you’re anything like me, you’ll need to get over these negative feelings you sometimes have around edits and embrace the possibilities that come with improving your writing.
Read the entire article
A Freelance Writer’s Guide to Managing Edits on
The Write Life.