Kindle Publishing Resources for First Time Authors

Posted: April 19, 2016
Kindle publishing Ebooks continue to remain a big seller, and an easy way for authors to publish. One of the most popular sites to obtain ebooks from is Amazon. First-time authors can use these resources to get published on Amazon. Marisol Dahl, writer for The Write Life, shares the best Kindle-publishing resources.

16 of Our Favorite Kindle-Publishing Resources for First-Time Authors

As the largest online retailer and likely the most popular place to buy books, Amazon.com can’t be ignored — especially if you’re a writer. By 2011,  ebook sales on Amazon had surpassed those of printed books. And with self-publishing on the rise, we can only expect Amazon to become an even bigger player in the publishing world. There are some great resources out there to help you publish effectively on Amazon and access the ever-growing Kindle readership. Here’s a round-up of The Write Life’s favorites to help you get started self-publishing for Kindle. Websites and books

1. KBoards

KBoards is a forum and blog dedicated completely to all things Kindle. Read the entire article 16 of Our Favorite Kindle-Publishing Resources for First-Time Authors on The Write Life.