Keep Readers Interested From Beginning to End
Posted: June 15, 2015
Having a blog is a great way to share information, opinions, and thoughts with readers. One problem bloggers often have is hooking readers at the beginning and keep them interested through the end. This one simple trick can grab readers and keep them reading your entire blog posts.
Ali Luke, writer for Writers' Huddle, shares how to keep readers attention throughout an entire blog post.
One Really Simple Technique to Grab Readers at the Start of Your Post and Engage Them at the End
Do you ever feel like you’re writing good posts but no-one’s reading them?
Maybe you’re coming up with powerful headlines. You’re making sure your posts are easy to follow. You’re writing in a friendly, conversational way.
But it just doesn’t seem to be working.
Even when you can see from Google Analytics that your posts are getting read, no-one’s sticking around to comment.
Some bloggers give up at this stage – which is a real shame. They might have a great topic, or a great writing style: they just need to pay more attention to the two most important parts of their posts.
introduction and
conclusion of a post are vital.
introduction should grab readers’ attention and get them engaged from the very first sentence.
conclusion should prompt them to do something – don’t just leave it to chance that they’ll do what you want after reading.
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One Really Simple Technique to Grab Readers at the Start of Your Post and Engage Them at the End on
Daily Blog Tips.