Keep an Organized Computer Desktop
Posted: December 29, 2015
The desktop is a very convenient place to put things that need accessed quickly or frequently. But, if the desktop gets too cluttered, it can have the opposite effect. Keep your computer desktop clean and organized to find what you need easily.
Carly Stec, writer for Hubspot, shares how to keep your computers desktop neat and organzied.
With 2016 quickly approaching, now seems like a better time than ever to rid your desktop of the ghosts of projects past.
You know what I'm talking about -- all those forgotten documents and miscellaneous screenshots that have been slowly taking over your screen for weeks and months.
Hoarding files on your desktop not only makes it challenging to locate what you need when you need it, but it can also compromise the speed of your computer.
To help you keep your desktop tidy, we've come up with a few helpful tips. From creating a folder system to trying out a new desktop design, these suggestions are designed to help you unbury yourself and stay productive in the process.
1) Create a folder system.
Be honest: How many files do you have on your desktop right now? 10? 20? 100? Have you lost count? If your desktop looks anything like the image below, you may want to start by moving everything into one folder to clear the air.
Read the entire article
How to Keep Your Computer's Desktop Clean & Organized: 7 Helpful Tips on Hubspot.