"It Is What It Is" and Other Annoying Phrases to Avoid

Posted: November 08, 2012

[caption id="attachment_10979" align="alignright" width="300"]© skvoor - Fotolia.com[/caption]Now that the election is over and done with, we can take a break from annoying political ads and calls. But wait ... it seems there's never a lack of something to grate on people's nerves. The newest culprit? Annoying sayings and phrases. Your best bet, as a communicator, is to avoid using them. PR News' SVP and group publisher Diane Schwartz listed some of the most annoying sayings and phrases over-employed by many communicators. 

[caption id="attachment_10979" align="alignright" width="300"]© skvoor - Fotolia.com[/caption]Now that the election is over and done with, we can take a break from annoying political ads and calls. But wait ... it seems there's never a lack of something to grate on people's nerves. The newest culprit? Annoying sayings and phrases. Your best bet, as a communicator, is to avoid using them. PR News' SVP and group publisher Diane Schwartz listed some of the most annoying sayings and phrases over-employed by many communicators. 

This epic list was itself a follow-up to an earlier blog post that asked readers to offer their own suggestions.

And the suggestions just keep coming from PR News readers. Here's the latest batch:

  • "Looping in"
  • "Let's agree to disagree"
  • "A place at the table"
  • "Bang for the buck"
  • "Fast-forward to..."
  • "Reach out to"
  • "We'll address it later"

The "official" list goes on, and you'll be surprised at how many more are added in the comments section!

Read the entire article 'It Is What It Is': More Annoying Phrases to Avoid, at PRNews.


Biz Tip Provided by Chris Chaffin, President of Chaffin Communications, via Facebook

Another great writer resource is POMA's Webinar "Clean Up Your Content" with Hilary Dyer, an editor with Grand View Media