iPad Mini - On Its Way

Posted: August 27, 2012

Steve Jobs
could imagine tech trends, perhaps like none other. However, his claim that 7-inch tablets were DOA (dead on arrival), was off the mark. Amazon and Google have made big strides in the segment with Kindle Fire and Nexus 7. So, prepare for Apple's iPad Mini, which sources claim will launch in October -- separate from the anticipated iPhone 5 launch in September.



Steve Jobs
could imagine tech trends, perhaps like none other. However, his claim that 7-inch tablets were DOA (dead on arrival), was off the mark. Amazon and Google have made big strides in the segment with Kindle Fire and Nexus 7. So, prepare for Apple's iPad Mini, which sources claim will launch in October -- separate from the anticipated iPhone 5 launch in September.



Review the full report at TechRadar.com

Here's another report from International Business Timeson the September launch of "i" products, and the rumored Oct. 5 launch of iPad Mini, "Apple iPad Mini Release Date Rumors: Why Oct. 5 Makes The Most Sense To Launch".