[caption id="attachment_11482" align="alignright" width="408"]© iQoncept - Fotolia.com[/caption]Word of mouth advertising is a powerful marketing tool. Every business website should include testimonials, so visitors can hear from satisfied customers. Getting great testimonials can be a challenge. Daniel Scocco, with DailyBlogTips.com, offers four suggestions to generate comments from customers.
1. Don’t Use Fake Testimonials
2. Ask Beta Testers
3. Explicitly Ask Users
4. Give Them an Incentiveaniel Scocco’s uses four tactics to prompt customers to offer testimonials:
Read the full article, “Internet Marketing 101: How To Get Testimonials”, on Daily Blog Tips.
[caption id="attachment_11482" align="alignright" width="408"]© iQoncept - Fotolia.com[/caption]Word of mouth advertising is a powerful marketing tool. Every business website should include testimonials, so visitors can hear from satisfied customers. Getting great testimonials can be a challenge. Daniel Scocco, with DailyBlogTips.com, offers four suggestions to generate comments from customers.
1. Don’t Use Fake Testimonials
2. Ask Beta Testers
3. Explicitly Ask Users
4. Give Them an Incentiveaniel Scocco’s uses four tactics to prompt customers to offer testimonials:
Read the full article, “Internet Marketing 101: How To Get Testimonials”, on Daily Blog Tips.
As I mentioned on this post, one element that virtually any sales page should have is a list of testimonials. That is, people who bought/used the product in the past and liked it.
Getting those testimonials is not always straight forward, so here are some strategies you can use for this purpose:
1. Don’t Use Fake Testimonials
I’ve seen people around the web encouraging you to create fake testimonials while you don’t have any. I don’t agree with this approach. First and foremost for the ethical aspect. Second because often it will be possible to identify your fake testimonials, and the result could backfire.
2. Ask Beta Testers
On the sub-title of your testimonial section you could say something like “Check what some people who already used our product had to say about it…”. Notice the “used” instead of “bought”. In other words, this means you could invite beta testers to try your product for free and ask them for a testimonial, and since you are not claiming the testimonials are only from people who actually bought your product it would be fine. If you want to be 100% transparent you could even mention that the testimonial is coming from a beta tester.
Read the entire article "Internet Marketing 101: How To Get Testimonials", on Daily Blog Tips