If I were to ask you about expanding your content marketing efforts for your blog, and chose you to pick a single “untapped” platform, what would you say? Obviously it’s not things like Twitter or Facebook, and even videos on YouTube are getting utilized by more and more bloggers each day. Want to know the biggest sleeping giant of content marketing platforms?
If I were to ask you about expanding your content marketing efforts for your blog, and chose you to pick a single “untapped” platform, what would you say? Obviously it’s not things like Twitter or Facebook, and even videos on YouTube are getting utilized by more and more bloggers each day. Want to know the biggest sleeping giant of content marketing platforms?
SlideShare! That’s right, the platform that allows you to upload slideshow presentations…
You might be wondering how slideshows could possibly be considered “untapped” (considering their age), but let me tell you, if there is one platform that most bloggers are missing out on, it’s SlideShare.
SlideShare allows you to upload and “share” PowerPoint (or other styles) of slideshows, either on your own site or others.
Largely, SlideShare offers the same benefits of YouTube in that it can bring traffic to your site from the large amount of users on SlideShare.
What kind of traffic are we talking about, with just a simple slideshow presentation?
Well, on the SlideShare homepage right now (undered the “featured” section), I see a 15-slide presentation that as already garnered over 30,000 views!
Imagine getting that many eyeballs on your content, all for a simple (but informative) 15 slides! (Here’s the presentation in question, notice it’s only a few high quality images with simple text on top)
But… how does content marketing on SlideShare really work?