Increase Reader Interaction
Posted: February 12, 2010
by Darren Rowse
Have you ever been talked at rather than talked with during a conversation? If so, you know it doesn’t feel good to have someone talk at you.
by Darren Rowse
Have you ever been talked at rather than talked with during a conversation? If so, you know it doesn’t feel good to have someone talk at you.
Blog readers often can feel as if they're being talked at, rather than being engaged.
The power of asking questions allows Internet content providers and bloggers to engage readers and bring them back time and time again.
The 7 questions are:
- What Do you Think?
- How Do you Feel?
- What Will You Do?
- What is Your Opinion?
- What is Your Story?
- What is Your Experience or Example?
- What Have You Been Working On?
Listen to what Rowse has to say about talking with readers, rather than talking at them.
Australian Darren Rowse is a full-time blogger making a living from the medium since 2004/5. He is also one of the founders of b5media. He is also involved in:
- Blog consulting – I have recently started taking on some work with businesses wanting to explore how blogging can enhance their products and services.
- Speaking – I regularly speak at conferences, workshops, retreats on a variety of topics including blogging, new media, spirituality, leadership, community development.
- Community – being on the leadership team of a small alternative emerging Christian community, called LivingRoom – I started LivingRoom a couple of years ago and find it to be an enriching part of my life.
- Teleclass – I am also currently involved in running a six week course for bloggers titled Six Figure Blogging which looks at entrepreneurial blogging.