Improving Photos Using Light

Posted: February 20, 2018
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="394"] Image: Digital Photography School[/caption] Light is not only essential for taking photos, it's also a great tool to improve those images. No matter the type of equipment a photographer chooses, exploring different light settings can have a big impact on the outcome. Take the time to study light conditions at different times of the day, in different weather conditions and in different locations. Taking advantage of varying light situations can help you improve your images more than you might think. David McCammon, professional photographer and contributor to Digital Photography School guides us through using light to improve images.

Exploring the Fundamentals of Light to Improve Your Photos

Let me point out from the start, it doesn’t matter what camera you use. From a fancy DSLR to your phone you can use these lighting tools to improve your photographs. Photography and light go hand in hand. Simply put; if there is no light, there is no photograph. Light is so important to great photography I’m going to ask you to put your camera down for a moment and observe. Really look at the light. The color of it, the way it’s falling on people and things. What shadows are being created? Try looking at these different times of the day:

1. Early morning before the sun rises and while it rises

You’ll see the light change from a cool blue to red, orange, and yellow light in the early morning. Read the entire article Exploring the Fundamentals of Light to Improve Your Photos at Digital Photography School.