Improve Your Video Quality

Posted: October 04, 2013

[caption id="attachment_11586" align="alignright" width="300"]image: Video Production Tips[/caption]Producing high quality video will ensure that your clients keep coming back. From the pre-planning stage to final editing, preparation will make the process painless.

[caption id="attachment_11586" align="alignright" width="300"]image: Video Production Tips[/caption]Producing high quality video will ensure that your clients keep coming back. From the pre-planning stage to final editing, preparation will make the process painless.

Paul Banks, Creative Director at Digifish, a video production company based in York, England shares his best tips for ensuring that you produce quality videos for clients. (Or yourself).  Paul has over ten years of experience and has worked with many high-dollar clients. Digifish has recently worked on video projects with large clients such as:  The Script, Playstation, Sony & The Stone Roses.

Tips For Creating & Producing a Quality Film


First, before taking on any new project, it’s important to spend some time ‘fact-finding’. You’ll find that you may just be able to take the smallest idea on board and build upon it. It’s always a good idea to meet with your client so that you can build a good, solid relationship.

We always ensure that we ask the client whether they have any creative ideas, and it doesn’t matter how big or small they are. Then, we’ll make sure that we run through our ‘fact-finding questionnaire’. We think this is a great way to find out what kind of ideas our clients have, from locations that they would like us to shoot from, to who they want to be in their films, and the all important question…budget!

Before meeting with your client I would recommend that you do the following:

  • Research their business / industry
  • Research films that have been produced within their sector

Once you have met with your client and have generated some ideas it’s time to prepare a creative treatment so that you can present your ideas back to the client. We’ve found that there are loads of creative resources online to help you structure your treatment. Make sure that you find links, photos or use illustrations so that the client can ‘visualize’ your proposed concept.  Unless they have experience with prior video productions, chances are high it will be extremely difficult for them to visualize your ideas if you do not provide

Pre – Production

Before moving into production we would strongly advise you to make sure that you prepare a script and shooting schedule and that you get this approved by the client.

Before shooting we always do a recce so that we can check out the location. Something may look great online or in a photo but unless you visit the place yourself you can’t guarantee that it will be suitable for filming. For example, I’ve found air conditioning units can be problematic and has resulted in us having to change locations.

Whilst you’re looking for noise issues you should also consider potential lighting issues. Always ensure that you take the right lighting for the job! At Digifish we always carry a set of Dedo lights with us, as well as a starlight, as we always want to ensure that our footage looks as good as possible, even if it’s a simple interview.

Read the entire article Tips For Creating & Producing a Quality Film at Video Production Tips.