Ideas to Start Making Money with a Blog Fast!

Posted: July 23, 2012
If you have a blog, you could be making money with it!
If you have a blog, you could be making money with it!

When you think about blogging, usually the first thing you think about isn’t making a lot of money fast. Unfortunately, blogging is actually one of the slowest ways to make money online. Since blogging is focused on long term growth and the value on content and incoming links you get back to your site, this means that time is always going to be an issue for quick growth and seeing a return on your investment.

Unless you have a lot of time on your hands, ready to invest hundreds of hours into your blog content and brand… then blogging might not be your best bet for becoming self employed and quitting your day job. I’ve been running my blog at ZacJohnson.com for over five years now, have nearly 1,000 original posts written on the site and still passionate about writing for the site and growing it today. All of this time and dedication has greatly paid off. The blog not only makes good money, but it’s also grown into an amazing brand of its own.

However this doesn’t mean that making money from a blog in only a couple of months isn’t possible, it just means you need to know how to put your blog to use. In this post we are going to cover three different methods to start making money from your blog fast!


Read entire article Ideas to Start Making Money with a Blog Fast!