How Writing Voice Affects Your Brand

Posted: August 09, 2013

[caption id="attachment_11488" align="alignright" width="346"]© ekostsov - Fotolia.com[/caption]Tone of voice is the writing characteristic that differentiates one brand from its competitors. Tone may be difficult to assess, but business communicators must find their tone to identify their brand. When considering tone, BusinessContent.com says, there are three fundamental questions to answer: Why are you writing? Who is your audience? How should they feel about you?

 Learn more about How Writing Voice Affects Your Brand.

[caption id="attachment_11488" align="alignright" width="346"]© ekostsov - Fotolia.com[/caption]Tone of voice is the writing characteristic that differentiates one brand from its competitors. Tone may be difficult to assess, but business communicators must find their tone to identify their brand. When considering tone, BusinessContent.com says, there are three fundamental questions to answer: Why are you writing? Who is your audience? How should they feel about you?

 Learn more about How Writing Voice Affects Your Brand.

Of all the characteristics that separate one writer from another, voice may be the most difficult to quantify. A few lines can tell you whether you’re reading Hemingway or Hawthorne, but detecting subtler differences between contemporaries or describing why you respond differently to websites with the same subject matter is tougher.

Business writing is necessarily more even and neutral in tone than fiction. While fiction typically elicits emotions, business content is usually thought-provoking or involves a call to action. That doesn’t mean it’s cold or dry, though; good writing always has an engaging voice even when that voice is communicating ideas, facts and figures. Your content’s voice should also change depending on where your audience finds it. Static site pages are more formal than blog posts, which are likewise more formal than social media channels – at least if your content creation team is working.

Read the full article How Writing Voice Affects Your Brand on Business Content.