Should you or shouldn’t you write a business plan? Are they a total waste of time, or a necessary vehicle on the path to online entrepreneurial glory? What if there were a third way to think through and write a business plan for an online business, a much simpler way?
The plan is nothing, planning is everything.
~Dwight D. Eisenhower
Everyone has an opinion on it.
Should you or shouldn’t you write a business plan? Are they a total waste of time, or a necessary vehicle on the path to online entrepreneurial glory?
What if there were a third way to think through and write a business plan for an online business, a much simpler way?
If you’re awake and breathing, it’s obvious we’re living in an unprecedented time of innovation and distributive power. Depending on the type of business or marketing you run, good planning may be smarter than making a plan.
When you get a chance, take a listen and see what we mean.
In this episode Brian and I discuss:
Visit to read Robert's full post and listen to the episode.
Biz Tip Source: Copyblogger
About the Author: Robert Bruce is Copyblogger Media’s resident raconteur and copywriter.