How to Survive the Changes Coming to Facebook in 2018

Posted: January 23, 2018

5 Things Every Brand Must Do to Survive and Thrive on Facebook in 2018

On January 11, 2018, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced a major coming change to the Facebook News Feed, one that will likely have far-reaching impacts on brands and businesses who use the site to interact with and reach new customers. In this post, I'll explain what's going on, and how you can adapt to survive and thrive on Facebook in 2018.

What's happening to Facebook?

In a nutshell, Facebook's going to be shifting the focus of what people see in their News Feeds back toward posts from friends and family - and away from businesses and media outlets. Facebook's fundamental goal will change. Rather than focusing on helping people find relevant content, it'll shift to helping people have more meaningful social interactions. Read the entire article 5 Things Every Brand Must Do to Survive and Thrive on Facebook in 2018 on Social Media Today.