How to Know Customers in the Digital Age

Posted: November 07, 2017
Brian Wallace, writer for Dumb Little Man, shares how to know your customers in the digital age.

Know Your Customers in The Digital Age

To know your customers is crucial if you want to provide excellent customer service to make sure your customers come back. Back in the days, when brick and mortar was king, knowing your customers was easy. You would see them every day and get to know them on a personal level. However, in today’s digital age, how do you get to know your customer on a more personal level? How do e-commerce sites get to know someone who is pressing a button a thousand miles away? The answer is data. How Does Data Enhance Customer Service? Even though customers don’t go to brick and mortar stores as much as they did ten years ago, they still expect the retailers they are doing business with to get to know them on a personal level. But, how do you do that in a digital age? Read the entire article Know Your Customers in The Digital Age on Dumb Little Man.