How to Grope in the Dark and Find Your Writing Mojo

Posted: November 29, 2012

[caption id="attachment_11018" align="alignright" width="600"]© g23armstrong[/caption]You may find it surprising that there is no right way to write. Everyone has a different style of writing, and everyone has to search within themselves to find that style. You may have to try several different styles, mediums and even writing implements to find what works best for you. The key is not giving up.

[caption id="attachment_11018" align="alignright" width="600"]© g23armstrong[/caption]You may find it surprising that there is no right way to write. Everyone has a different style of writing, and everyone has to search within themselves to find that style. You may have to try several different styles, mediums and even writing implements to find what works best for you. The key is not giving up.

Wow isn’t there a wealth of information out there on how to write, so many e-courses, e-books and membership sites full of useful shortcuts and advice to help. For many, they’re just an unconscious excuse not to get started. It all lends itself to be a modern form of procrastination.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with taking a writing course to improve your skills. Just make sure it’s one you commit to and are held accountable for turning in assignments.

Writing and putting yourself out there is scary because it lays you bare. It is something of you, wholly produced by you, which allows you nowhere to hide. Harnessing that fear and those nerves are what will fuel you to write some of your most engaging content, but first you need to learn to control your fears.

As a teacher and mentor, it is something I have to help people with a lot. You can check out my thoughts on overcoming these fears on my blog.

As for actually finding your writing mojo, you need to find what suits your natural process. It’s a bit like groping around in the dark for something that you’ve misplaced, but keep searching and you’ll hit upon it. Everyone is different. There’s no right way, but there are many ways. You need to experiment to find the right one.

It’s just like a parent learning how best to get a baby off to sleep. Some need music, some need constant motion – driving around, rocking or pushing in their strollers and some need total silence, whilst others need human contact. Each one has their own needs in order to achieve the same results.

Read the entire article How to Grope in the Dark and Find Your Writing Mojo at SteamFeed.

Biz Tip Provided by Randy Bowden, bowden2bowden llc