Get More Out of Meetings
Posted: November 21, 2017
Teams are working together more than ever to handel projects and stay on task. This usually means an increase in the number of meetings you have, too. Unfortunately, for many reasons, not every meeting is as productive as it should be. By following these tips you can make the most out of meetings and make them more effective.
Brian Wallace, writer for Dumb Little Man, shares how to make meetings more effective.
Collaboration is what the new workplace is all about. These days, it’s all about keeping everyone involved in all facets of a process so that everyone can contribute his or her expertise.
This rise in collaboration has made frequent meetings a necessity. Unfortunately, however, they aren’t always as productive as we would like them to be.
How Much Time Is Actually Wasted In Meetings?
The average worker attends or prepares for meetings more than a quarter of his work week. And almost never do you walk out of a meeting feeling like every second of that time was completely productive.
There are anywhere between 36 and 56 million meetings every day in America with ineffective meetings costing the U.S. economy as much as $283 billion a year. In this age of amazing technology, why are we still wasting so much time?
Read the entire article
How to Make Meetings More Effective on
Dumb Little Man.