How To Get More Leads on Twitter

Posted: January 01, 1970

Almost everybody is on Twitter today. Here are some simple ways to get noticed on Twitter more!

Almost everybody is on Twitter today. Here are some simple ways to get noticed on Twitter more!

[caption id="attachment_10307" align="alignright" width="580"]How To Get More Leads On Twitter How To Get More Leads on TwitterFrom: http://kimgarst.com/how-get-more-leads-on-twitter[/caption]

Its one thing to have a lot of followers on Twitter, but it takes a new level of engagement to turn your followers into leads that generate sales for your business.

Here are 7 ways you can increase your leads on Twitter…

1.  Add a Hot Link to Improve the Bio section of your profile

Everyone knows that Twitter gives you a space to add your website URL; however, not everyone knows that you can now add a second link in the 160 characters of your "Bio". 

Since you can now add a second link, it is time to be strategic.  Create a shortened link that sends people to your Free Opt-In webpage.  This way you can directly generate leads from Twitter. 

To add the Hot Link, first click on the person icon (next to the blue quill icon) in the top right hand corner of the Twitter page.  Next, choose "View my profile page".  Then, click on the gray and black "edit your profile" button in the top right hand corner.  In the bio section, you can now include a link. 

It is best to include a short link since you only have 160 characters.

2.  Create a custom About Page

Where Twitter allows you to add your website address in your profile, you want to be more strategic than simply adding your homepage URL. 

Instead, it is in your best interest to create a custom landing page on your website for your Twitter followers.  Then, when a follower clicks on your website link, they will discover that you've created a page just for them.

This shows that you have taken the time to customize their experience on your website and immediately improves your "know, like, trust factor".

Read entire article How to Get More Leads on Twitter.

Biz Tip provided by:
Randy Bowden (@bowden2bowden)