How to Do Nothing At All

Posted: October 10, 2023
Baja, Mexico This isn't much of a business tip, per say.  It's more of an "anti-business" tip.  Every now and then, I think its essential to take a break from the grind of everyday life and just go do something stupid, spontaneous, or a combo of both those things. For me, these types of trips usually start with half a plan and a quarter-tank of gas in my old Toyota. But by all means, tailor your own trip to what you're looking for at the time. Just get out and do it! The article attached below, written years ago by Steven Rinella, describes one such ill-advised trip he took to Baja, Mexico.  Its a great story, and it made me want to jump in my truck and drive into the sunrise this morning. I hope it does the same for you.

1,000 Miles of Nada

Where does a week of doing nothing add up to something great? On a road trip down the still-wild spine of Baja, in search of secluded beaches, the best fish taco, and a much-needed dose of adventure.
Read the full article "here"