If you have a blog, and you find it to be plain looking, putting a gif or two on it may liven it up. Don't know how to make them? Here's a guide on how to do it.
If you have a blog, and you find it to be plain looking, putting a gif or two on it may liven it up. Don't know how to make them? Here's a guide on how to do it.
It seems as though the more modern we become, the more nostalgic we are. We are seeking back towards things as they used to be – the quality, the originality, the essence. Music lovers have LPs, Internet geeks have GIFs. GIF images seem to be the new black when it comes to Internet trends and with good reason.
They are an easy way to give your blog a trendy and fun touch that your readers will love. They make for interesting content and have endless possibilities of creating something that your readers will find interesting and share with others. If you’re a food blogger for instance, you can make a GIF of a piece of cake disappearing from the plate, or stacking cookies one by one on top of each other.
If you’re a fashion blogger you can showcase a few different colors of lipstick on your lips! All of this makes for interesting and sharable Internet art and there are already websites dedicated to GIFs. Tumblr has an entire section for this type of image while sites like Gifyo solely focus on this trendy, retro Internet phenomenon.
Check out this guide to see how you can create your own GIF.
Read entire article How to Create GIF Images For Your Blog – Step-By-Step Guide on How To Make My Blog