How to become a LinkedIn power user in five easy steps

Posted: April 16, 2013

LinkedIn has become a staple resource in the business world. How do you know if you're using it to it's full potential?

LinkedIn has become a staple resource in the business world. How do you know if you're using it to it's full potential?

LinkedIn is the most popular business network on the planet, boasting more than 200 million users. You’re probably one of them. Also highly probable: You’re not taking full advantage of this business and career networking service.

Here’s the good news: LinkedIn can be an excellent resource without becoming a time sink. Don’t neglect your profile or the service in general just because you’re not actively looking for a job at this very moment. Hiring managers, clients, colleagues, and potential customers and business partners are constantly browsing LinkedIn. A killer profile and savvy search skills will give you a competitive edge. It might also remind your current boss—who is probably doing the same thing—just why you’re so valuable (and potentially poachable).

Our five-step guide will make you a LinkedIn power user, so you can land your next job opportunity, promotion, or business deal.

Read entire article How to become a LinkedIn power user in five easy steps on PC World