How to Avoid Procrastination and Get Tasks Done

Posted: June 13, 2017

3 Strategies To Use If You Find Yourself Putting Things Off Until Later

Did you ever feel like you had a lot of work to do, but you just couldn’t muster up the energy to do anything? Or, maybe there’s something that you’ve always wanted to do, but you found yourself putting it off until “later”. Instead of figuring out how to get things done right away, it’s easier to just put your work aside and surf the net. As a result, we often find ourselves scrambling madly at the last minute to finish something we should have started earlier. Sound familiar? Procrastination is a common way of dealing with stress. Studies have shown that procrastinators tend to see things for the short-term, choosing temporary relief over long-term impact. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Everyone, even successful people and top performers, have their days when they don’t want to do anything.
But the difference is that top performers find specific strategies to get themselves moving and getting things done. If you find yourself putting work off until “later”, try one of these techniques: 1. Promise yourself a reward after you do some work. I like to treat myself to a reward, such as the latest episode of my favorite TV show – but only after I’ve done a certain amount of work.
Read the entire article 3 Strategies to Use if You Find Yourself Putting Things off Until Later on Dumb Little Man.