How Online Communities Help Businesses

Posted: August 29, 2017

Vanessa DiMauro, writer for Social Media Today, shares how online communities help businesses.

How do online communities help business?

It’s a simple question without simple answers. During an SMT Live tweetchat last month, which I co-hosted, community builders from around the globe cited several ways businesses can reap what they invest in online communities.

I've been focused on this question for more than two decades, driven to better understand the ways organizations derive benefits from their communities. Through my research, I've identified six distinct ways that firms can benefit from community, and serve their customers better.

They are:

1. To help customers get more value from their products and services

Especially today, as software-as-a-service and other cloud-based systems grow, businesses’ utilization of the installed software they've bought has become more important (according to Flexera Software’s 2016 Software Monetization and Licensing Survey, 51% of executives at software manufacturers and users admitted they don’t track customer usage).

Read the entire article 6 Ways Online Communities Boost Business on Social Media Today.

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