How Consumer Product Reviews Can Destroy Your Brand

Posted: November 19, 2012

[caption id="attachment_11001" align="alignright" width="120"]image from http://newmediaandmarketing.com[/caption]Product manufacturers need to pay attention to what consumers are saying on the Web. So many times, a company is touting the excellence of their particular product, and on e-commerce sites a different story is being told. Make sure you're keeping tabs on what everyday people are saying about your products. Check product reviews on several different sites, and follow the suggestions below to help make sure your product is being reviewed well and customers are satisfied.

[caption id="attachment_11001" align="alignright" width="120"]image from http://newmediaandmarketing.com[/caption]Product manufacturers need to pay attention to what consumers are saying on the Web. So many times, a company is touting the excellence of their particular product, and on e-commerce sites a different story is being told. Make sure you're keeping tabs on what everyday people are saying about your products. Check product reviews on several different sites, and follow the suggestions below to help make sure your product is being reviewed well and customers are satisfied.

When are product manufacturers going to understand that consumers are talking to one another to rate their products and making purchase decision based on those ratings ?  The reality is that consumers trust reviews from people “like them” a hell of a lot more than marketers advertising and product manufacturers have to ensure that their products perform well above customer expectation in order to be successful, especially for big ticket items or “gadgets”.  Here are two examples..

Western Digital has been advertising their “My  Net” high speed routers via the Wall Street Journal online.  The ads are done very well but when I went to check the product reviews on Amazon.com I found that most customers felt the product left a lot to be desired...

Read entire article How Consumer Product Reviews Can Destroy Your Brand

Biz Tip provided by Randy Bowden