Hidden Powers of Your Mouse

Posted: October 17, 2012

[caption id="attachment_10920" align="alignright"]© Nikolai Sorokin - Fotolia.com[/caption]Your mouse most likely should be one of the most used tools each and every day. Click it, right click, scroll, copy, paste and so much more. If you think you've got a handle of all its uses, think again. Here are a few tricks that you probably didn't know, but will want to.

[caption id="attachment_10920" align="alignright"]© Nikolai Sorokin - Fotolia.com[/caption]Your mouse most likely should be one of the most used tools each and every day. Click it, right click, scroll, copy, paste and so much more. If you think you've got a handle of all its uses, think again. Here are a few tricks that you probably didn't know, but will want to.

You use your mouse for just about everything: you drag, you drop, you highlight, you scroll. But even if you click your mouse a thousand times a day, I bet I've got a few secret mouse tricks you've never heard of.

Click Tricks
You surely know that double clicking highlights a word, and you might even know that triple clicking highlights a paragraph. But have you ever wanted to select a column of text in a Word document, without getting all the text to the left and right of it? Here's how you can: Hold down the alt and left mouse button (on a Mac, option-left mouse), and drag the cursor over the section you want to select. The coolest thing about this trick is that the text you are selecting does not even need to be formatted as a column for this to work.

Scroll Tricks
Most mice have a scroll wheel. Sure, it takes you up and down on a page, but in combination with other keys, it can do much more:
Scroll sideways: In many versions of Excel, holding down the shift key while scrolling will take you sideways. That's super helpful in a big spreadsheet. Scroll wheel as back button: In most web browsers, if you hold the shift key while using the scroll wheel, it works like the back button: You can fly through all the sites you've recently visited. (Some mice have side buttons that work like back and forward buttons in your browser, too.) Scroll to zoom: Holding ctrl and scrolling lets you zoom in or out of the page you're viewing. Ctrl-scroll up zooms you in; ctrl-scroll down zooms you back out. On a Mac, this trick will zoom in and out your whole screen, not just the document you're in.

Read entire article Hidden Powers of Your Mouse

Biz Tip submitted by Tammy Sapp, director of communications for Kalkomey