Have a Social Media Strategy

Posted: October 07, 2014
road to horizon
Someone just starting to promote themselves social media may not know the best strategy to do so. A business that is starting to promote through social media has a bigger task at hand. Learn the first steps to take when promoting a business through social media.
Mark Schaefer, writer for Social Media Today, shares what steps to take when starting out on social media.

Your Social Media Strategy: Where Do You START?

When I work with businesses, there is often an enthusiastic attitude about moving on to the social web but confusion about how to actually get started. Today’s post provides a step-by-step overview on how to move ahead. Headline links at the beginning of each section will take you to more detailed posts if you want to learn more about each specific step! And by the way, your social media initiative doesn’t start with a Facebook page. It must start with … 1. Marketing strategy I know this seems so basic but there is no way to have an effective social media marketing strategy if you don’t have a company marketing strategy to begin with … and many companies don’t! Here is a trick to see if you truly have a marketing strategy.

Read the entire article Your Social Media Strategy: Where Do You START? on Social Media Today.