Have a new software idea? FundaGeek wants to help fund it.

Posted: November 09, 2012

You've come up with the perfect idea for a new software program. It's been thought through and you're ready to move on it. If you're a computer "geek" you may be able to write the software and make it become a reality. The rest of us aren't that lucky, so fortunately, there's a new option for potentially funding the project. Check it out.

You've come up with the perfect idea for a new software program. It's been thought through and you're ready to move on it. If you're a computer "geek" you may be able to write the software and make it become a reality. The rest of us aren't that lucky, so fortunately, there's a new option for potentially funding the project. Check it out.

It's one thing to have a good idea for a new piece of software, but raising the funds necessary to bring it to life is a whole separate challenge.

Crowdfunding can offer a nice solution, and platforms like Kickstarter and--more recently--Selfstarter can sometimes help.

On Thursday, however, a brand-new crowdfunding site launched that's focused specifically on software. It's called FundaGeek, and it may just be the platform software developers have been waiting for.

Funding for open source

FundaGeek is “devoted to assisting software developers secure funding for their projects,” explained the company in its official announcement today. “All areas of software development--Web applications (e-commerce), games, social media apps, open source, mobile apps, traditional 'shrink wrap' software, etc.--can use FundaGeek as a resource to help push forward important innovative projects.”

Money raised through FundaGeek can be used for a variety of purposes, including building prototypes, launching a new title, or--in the open source world, for example--adding an important new software feature.

“A commercial developer can first market test a new product idea and then fund development,” the company notes.

Read entire article Have a new software idea? FundaGeek wants to help fund it.

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