Handy Excel Tricks to Impress Bosses

Posted: January 22, 2016
Excel_Tricks.jpegExcel has been around for many years and is used frequently in the business world. It is a great program for compiling data and presenting it, but it can do so much more. These Excel tricks can help present data in a way that will impress everyone, even your boss. Carly Stec, writer for Hubspot, shares some handy Excel tricks that will impress your boss.

7 Handy Excel Tricks That'll Impress Your Boss

Gone are the days where marketers were forced to rely on intuition when making important business decisions. Thanks to new and continuously improving software, we now have valuable data to enrich our strategies. But organizing and recording it can get a little tricky.  If you've ever sat down in front of a busy Excel sheet, you already know this. With so many different formulas and shortcuts for handling data, it's easy to get tripped up and make a costly mistake -- the type of mistake you wouldn't want your boss to catch.  To help you master some impressive Excel tricks, check out the infographic below from Microsoft Training. Whether you're looking to visually summarize data, highlight specific values, or calculate for seasonality, these instructions will help get you ramped up. (Looking for more Excel support? Download these free Excel templates for managing your budget, social media content, blogging calendar, and more.) Read the entire article 7 Handy Excel Tricks That'll Impress Your Boss on Hubspot.