Make sure you pay extra attention to what you post on your website from now on, or else you could be penalized.
Make sure you pay extra attention to what you post on your website from now on, or else you could be penalized.
[caption id="attachment_10487" align="alignright" width="400"]© Pavel Ignatov -[/caption]Google announced last week that it will start penalizing websites that violate copyrights on a consistent basis. In other words, if a certain website is found to be violating copyrights of other people regularly it will lose search rankings and possibly even be removed from Google’s index.
They will calculate the number of copyright infringements based on the amount of DMCA takedown notices that Google receives from content owners. Here’s a quotation from a Search Engine Land article explaining the process:
But as it turns out, there is a way that Google can guestimate if there’s copyright infringement happening, by making use of Digital Millennium Copyright Act “takedown” requests.
These requests are one of the ways to get content removed from Google. Anyone can file a request. It’s not proof of copyright infringement. It’s merely an allegation, and one that can be challenged. But Google evaluates each request, and if deemed valid, content is removed.
Read entire article Google Will Penalize Sites Accused of Copyright Infringement
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