Google Penalizes Copyright Infringers: Are You At Risk?

Posted: September 18, 2012

http://download.fotolia.com/DownloadContent/2/ZwZMUnT98QBwLEK0iScH71lKucPVVNpv/Fotolia_31674636_XSIn today's age, you need to be careful not to copyright anyone. Now Google is starting to enforce copyright laws.

http://download.fotolia.com/DownloadContent/2/ZwZMUnT98QBwLEK0iScH71lKucPVVNpv/Fotolia_31674636_XSIn today's age, you need to be careful not to copyright anyone. Now Google is starting to enforce copyright laws.

Recently Google announced on its official blog that it will start penalizing sites that are accused of copyright infringement.

The announcement may reduce the content theft around the web, since now it is clear that if a site continuously violates copyright laws, it will lose search rankings and possibly even be removed from Google’s index. On the other hand, today’s technology makes it easier than ever to copy, modify, and share any information from the web. But the problem is that the vast majority of people do not care about copyright. This may now result in legal actions and loss of Google traffic.

How can you avoid Google penalties related to copyright? Here are a few tips.

Read entire article Google Penalizes Copyright Infringers: Are You At Risk?

Biz Tip provided by Laurie Dovey, Executive Director for POMA.