Giving and Receiving Photography Critique

Posted: December 08, 2015
[caption id="attachment_12532" align="alignright" width="323"]lynseymattingly6 Image from digital-photography-school.com[/caption] Criticism, constructive or otherwise, is a large part of being involved with photography. When receiving criticism, the power of it's affect on you can be completely in your hands. When giving critique to others, you can choose to do so in a manner that will help, rather than hurt. Handling critique, and also constructively giving criticism to others, is possible. Lynsey Mattingly, writer for Digital Photography School, shares how to give and recieve critique.

Constructive Photography Critique: How to Give and Receive with Grace

I’ve been in a funk lately. Just a little……off. Like I often hear other people do, I blamed it on the weather and assumed it would pass. A month later and it still hadn’t budged. This wasn’t the snow or the cold, yet completely normal, temperatures—it wasn’t even my kids who have been relatively low maintenance lately (all things considered). There was only one thing left to do before I took complete stock of my life and started looking into some serious therapy or, dare I even consider, enroll in a yoga class, and that was to bug my husband about it: “What’s wrooooong with me? Why am I sooooooooo cranky? Why don’t you tell me I’m pretty and feed me cookies anymore?” His reply was: a) “I do tell you you’re pretty and you know where we keep the cookies”, and b) “well, you’ve taken some pretty harsh blows lately.” Read the entire article Constructive Photography Critique: How to Give and Receive with Grace on Digital Photography School.