Give Websites an Upgrade for 2016

Posted: February 16, 2016

Time To Improve ConceptThe competition for website visitors increases on a daily basis. Making sure your site stands out is vital to your success. Take these five simple steps to improve your website and increase traffic.

Mark Zeni, writer for Daily Blog Tips, shares how to improve your site in 2016.

5 Ways to Make Your Site Better in 2016

Competition is always growing on the web. If you don’t want to be left behind and want a popular website in 2016, follow these 5 tips! 1. Make Your Design Responsive Mobile is eating the world. If your website or blog is not responsive, you are probably losing a lot of visitor every day. Google has already confirmed that being mobile friendly is a ranking factor. In other words, if your site is not mobile friendly Google will lower your search rankings. Not only that, many visitors use smartphones to browse the web these days, and they will just leave your site if it doesn’t display correctly on a mobile device. Use this tool to test your site. 2. Improve Your Content If you want a popular website, you’ll need to focus not only on the design, but also on the content. Sure, visitors want to visit a site that looks nice, but they also want to a site that has content written in clear, correct English. A couple of years ago a survey confirmed that grammar and writing mistakes are the first factor undermining the credibility of a website for first time visitors. Read the entire article 5 Ways to Make Your Site Better in 2016 on Daily Blog Tips.