Getting The Most Out of a Digital Camera

Posted: September 04, 2014
Beautiful woman hands holding a black compact cameraWhen starting out in photography, an expensive "professional" grade camera isn't always in the budget. However, having only a pocket digital camera doesn't mean that you can't capture breath taking photos. Learn how a digital camera can be just as powerful as a professional camera.
Beautiful woman hands holding a black compact cameraWhen starting out in photography, an expensive "professional" grade camera isn't always in the budget. However, having only a pocket digital camera doesn't mean that you can't capture breath taking photos. Learn how a digital camera can be just as powerful as a professional camera.

Simon Ringsmuth, writer for Digital Photography School, shares how to use your pocket digital camera to get great photos.


How to Get the Most out of your Pocket Camera

If you have a pocket camera, you might have spent hours pouring over reviews, spec sheets, and comparisons trying to find something better like a DSLR or Micro Four Thirds camera. Too often we dismiss our humble pocket cameras because they don’t have big lenses, flash mounts, custom exposure controls, or even enough buttons on the back to do what we really want. While there are certainly good reasons for shelling out hundreds of dollars for a fancier camera, chances are your pocket camera can do a lot more than you might think. Let’s explore a few tips that you can use to get the most out of it, and even take some professional-style shots without spending another dime on new gear.

Use the Zoom, but not for zooming

Many pocket cameras have a significant advantage over DSLRs because they often come with a built-in optical zoom that covers a much greater focal range than a standard kit lens.