Word of mouth is one of the most productive ways to make a brand well-known. One person tells another, who then tells two more, those two tell three more and before long, thousands of people are talking about the brand. These six tactics will have anyone talking about your brand.
Zack Fagan, writer for Social Media Today, shares how to get people talking about you.
6 Word of Mouth Marketing Tips to Get People Talking About You
Ready to give your eCommerce store a marketing boost? Have you thought of trying word of mouth marketing?
Word of mouth is the strongest form of recommendation, and spreads quite quickly too. If people are talking about your business, then you can be sure you’ll get a big lift in your sales from new customers. According to a study done by Ad Age word of mouth can increase marketing effectiveness by 54%!
But wait a minute – word of mouth marketing? How can you increase the word of mouth about your own company?
Excellent question -- read this post to find out a 6 ways that you can actually get your customers to talk about your business!
What is Word of Mouth Marketing
Before we get into the different ways to promote word of mouth let’s just quickly clarify what word of mouth is.
Word of mouth is any time someone talks about your brand. That can be in a conversation with their friends, it can be on social media, it can be in your own product reviews – essentially, it can be anywhere.