Get Over Post Processing Anxiety
Posted: October 07, 2014
Post processing is an important step when it comes to having great looking photos. However, if it is not the strongest skill you possess, it can cause great stress. Easily conquer the fear of post processing in order to achieve even more beautiful photos.
Gavin Hardcastle, writer for Digital Photography School, shares how to get over post processing anxiety.
6 Great Reasons to Get over Post-Processing Anxiety
I’m baffled when my workshop students tell me that they find image post-processing to be a chore, a dreaded task that prevents them from even looking at their beautiful photographs more than once. If you’re one of those types, I’m here to tell you that you’re missing out on a delicious second hit of creative joy.
1 – Don’t Miss Out – Post-Processing is Half the Fun
I think one of the reasons that I love photography so much is that I get that double whammy of artistic creativity. The first is when I’m out taking the shot, often standing in awe at the scenery unfolding before me. The second hit is when I get back home and start processing my images.
When I’ve shot an image that I know is really strong, I can’t wait to get that RAW file opened up so that I can relive the moment and get creative with my processing to realize the visual feast that I witnessed when I was on location.
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6 Great Reasons to Get over Post-Processing Anxiety on
Digital Photography School.