Get Out of the Photography Rut

Posted: January 11, 2014
Photographers can run out of steam, just like anyone else. When that happens, they might think there's no way to break through the creative block. These tips can help even the most seasoned photographers get out of a photography rut.
Photographers can run out of steam, just like anyone else. When that happens, they might think there's no way to break through the creative block. These tips can help even the most seasoned photographers get out of a photography rut.

Valerie Jardin, photography writer for Digital Photography School, shares ten tips that you can use to get your photography mojo back.

Lost your Photo Mojo? Ten Tips to Bring Back the Magic

We all go through creative blocks. Is it such a bad thing? Or, on the contrary, is it a sign that we need to push ourselves, and grow in the process? I think that a loss of passion may be an opportunity to renew and refresh your vision and turn it in a positive experience, instead of staying in a rut and feeling sorry for yourself.

Ten Tips to Get your Photo Mojo Back

1 – Get out of your comfort zone

You may hear this one often, but have you done it yet? I’m not suggesting that you go out and shoot your first wedding, but try something that may seem out of character for you. I consider myself more of an urban photographer than anything else.

Read the entire article Lost your Photo Mojo? Ten Tips to Bring Back the Magic on Digital Photography School.